- intermediolateral
- мед.прил. интермедиолатеральный
Англо-русский медицинский словарь. 2012.
Англо-русский медицинский словарь. 2012.
intermediolateral — Intermediate, and to one side, not central. Used especially to denote the i. cell column of spinal cord gray mattter, abbreviated IML, the location of all presynaptic sympathetic nerve cell bodies. See i. nucleus. * * * in·ter·me·dio·lat·er … Medical dictionary
Intermediolateral nucleus — Infobox Brain Name = PAGENAME Latin = nucleus intermediolateralis medullae spinalis GraySubject = GrayPage = Caption = Medulla spinalis (Intermediolateral nucleus visible at right in green.) Caption2 = IsPartOf = Spinal cord Components = Artery … Wikipedia
intermediolateral column of spinal cord — columna intermediolateralis medullae spinalis … Medical dictionary
intermediolateral tract — columna intermediolateralis medullae spinalis … Medical dictionary
IML — • intermediolateral … Dictionary of medical acronyms & abbreviations
columna intermediolateralis medullae spinalis — intermediolateral column of spinal cord: the column of gray matter the cells of which (interomediolateral nucleus) form the intermediate column of the spinal cord; called also autonomic column of spinal cord … Medical dictionary
Nucleus — 1) In cell biology, the structure that houses the chromosomes. 2) In neuroanatomy, a group of nerve cells. * * * 1. In cytology, typically a rounded or oval mass of protoplasm within the cytoplasm of a plant or animal cell; it is surrounded by a… … Medical dictionary
column — 1. An anatomic part or structure in the form of a pillar or cylindric funiculus. SEE ALSO: fascicle. 2. A vertical object (usually cylindrical), mass, or formation. SYN: columna [TA]. [L. columna] … Medical dictionary
List of anatomical topics — This page aims to list articles related to anatomy. This list is not necessarily complete or up to date if you see an article that should be here but isn t (or one that shouldn t be here but is), please update the page accordingly. NOTOC A… … Wikipedia
Lateral horn — Infobox Anatomy Name = Lateral horn Latin = cornu laterale medullae spinalis GraySubject = 185 GrayPage = 753 Caption = A spinal nerve with its anterior and posterior roots. (Lateral column labeled at top.) Caption2 = Transverse section of the… … Wikipedia
nervous system, human — ▪ anatomy Introduction system that conducts stimuli from sensory receptors to the brain and spinal cord and that conducts impulses back to other parts of the body. As with other higher vertebrates, the human nervous system has two main… … Universalium